Teyaar - Simply Sell & Bu

Seller Selection Criteria

Teyaar is a multi-channel, giant, integrated electronic platform that was created to facilitate the sale, purchase, promotion, marketing, profitability and successes and achieve a record level of customer satisfaction. The best interests of the parties. Therefore, the seller needs to complete the process of creating an account on the site with the need to undergo a process known as (KYC) This process is important in the field of marketing and therefore to promote and sell products and services after identifying customers who can actually buy from it, due to some considerations provided by the tool (KYC).

However, the site has some important criteria to use when adding or identifying important vendor listings and avoiding counterfeit listings.

  • Vendors with the ability and competence to manage operations, predict demand, build marketing strategies and plans, negotiate deals, etc.
  • Sellers who provide highly optimized content related to product descriptions, as well as high-quality images, videos, etc.

Vendors who organize their inventory well and keep their inventory up-to-date.

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